

Zherosha Chronicles: Unknown Origin Excerpt: Amnika sensed a small pulse of energy coming from Zakkon's tablet. He picked it up and studied it. "I'm afraid we will be ...


I'm focusing more on my website today. Within the next couple of days, I should have a gallery of world-building artwork up soon. The first page: The family tree is already there. Next is Portal and...


I've made some new updates to the Random facts page, but I need to do better. That said, it's better than it was. I'm in the process of writing the second book and a few short stories so adding to the web...


I've made some new updates to the Random facts page, but I need to do better. That said, it's better than it was. I'm in the process of writing the second book and a few short stories so adding to the web...


(Unsupported https://emb.d.tube/#!/mometek/s82hg8gl) This is something I've made to promote my book. I'm still getting used to posting on Blockchain. This was my first video on Dtube and ...