New articles


Facebook was supposed to bring humanity together. It was supposed to disseminate the truth through discussion as well as connect families who live far apart. I have never seen the human race so divided... Divided into two camps: Compl...


I've always been somewhat of a conspiracy theorist. I've backed off posting about them in the last few years because I have better success yelling at the wall in my bedroom. Recently, though, I started to look up conspiracy theories v...


"It's very disjointed." My beta reader got back to me, and I wasn't surprised. The entire month was very disjointed. End of summer appointments and new routines always seem to throw me off-balance, but that's life, isn't it? So...


While you are recovering from your food coma, remember that the Declaration of Independence got the ball rolling for getting the idea that all should be free. ...


Zherosha Chronicles: Unknown Origin Excerpt: Amnika sensed a small pulse of energy coming from Zakkon's tablet. He picked it up and studied it. "I'm afraid we will be ...


(Warning, I'm all over the place... Good luck reading) I do a lot on my phone. Fortunately, I blog mostly on my laptop, but usually, I would jot down a draft on my phone first. If I could do it directly into the blog ...


I woke up this morning and checked my phone. "Good News!" Mike's text came just before 7:00 this morning. I checked the time. It after eight and I realized my sound was off. I always set it to silent when I go to Bible study at...


I'm focusing more on my website today. Within the next couple of days, I should have a gallery of world-building artwork up soon. The first page: The family tree is already there. Next is Portal and...


I've made some new updates to the Random facts page, but I need to do better. That said, it's better than it was. I'm in the process of writing the second book and a few short stories so adding to the web...


I've made some new updates to the Random facts page, but I need to do better. That said, it's better than it was. I'm in the process of writing the second book and a few short stories so adding to the web...